Taccia Lip Color Burgundy


LineLip Color
Owner count20
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Ink Review #1338: Taccia Burgundy — Mountain of Ink
mountainofink.com | Kelli McCown
Taccia Corinth Pink is from the Lip Color collection. This ink was more popular earlier this year, but now I can’t find it in stock anywhere.
Ink Overview: Taccia Lip Color inks
By Jessica Coles Lipstick ink? What on earth does that mean? Taccia recently unveiled a new line of inks called Lip color ink, available in six colors: 01 Coral Pink, 02 Pink Beige, 03 Corinth Pink…

Names for this ink

15TacciaLip ColorBurgundy
1TacciaLip Color04 Burgundy
1TacciaLip Color04 - Burgundy
1TacciaLip ColorBurgundy 04
1TacciaLip ColorBurgundy (No 4)
1TacciaLip Color Ink Set of 6Burgundy